While working as an account manager at a benefits administration company, I led an internal initiative to implement a corporate sustainability initiative. Known as the POMCO Green Team, the program’s goal was to change the company culture to emphasize individual and company-wide contributions that would enable the organization to reduce its carbon footprint. Working with executive and facility leaders, I accomplished the following:
- Created an internal Green Team of volunteers who met quarterly to brainstorm and execute employee and community engagement initiatives.
- Executed an internal communications campaign that leveraged office signage, an intranet blog, and emails that provided tips and reminders to office staff to help them reduce their carbon footprint.
- Implemented preferred parking for low-carbon emission vehicles.
- Implemented an annual electronic recycling event.
- Partnered with the local neighborhood chamber of commerce to conduct an annual Earth Day neighborhood clean-up event.
- Reduced one-time-use plastics and paper products from breakrooms, encouraging staff to use reusable mugs and silverware for meals.
- The company effectively shifted its public perception as a local leader in sustainability.
- Employees adopted internal sustainability guidelines and actively participated in Green-themed events.
- The company reduced overhead costs associated with disposable paper and plasticware products.